Moral Argument – Examples And Benefits

Moral argument examples are an important part of civil discourse and help to rationalize the most difficult political issues. However, they are sometimes overlooked as a result of a society that is finding it increasingly difficult to agree on set moral principles.

Moral arguments can be even more challenging because they don’t just rely on the intellect or experience, but the heart as well.

This article explores what moral arguments are, common examples of a moral argument, and why it is important in society.

What is a moral argument? 

A moral argument is one that draws a moral conclusion. Any claim that an action is morally proper or wrong, or that a person or motive is good or bad, is referred to as a moral assertion. Without a moral foundation, a moral argument cannot be proven.


Moral normativity or moral order is frequently the foundation of moral arguments. Normative ethics or moral normativity is the discipline of philosophical ethics that looks into issues relating to how one should behave morally. It is the study of ethical behavior.

Normative ethics investigates the standards for what is considered acceptable and wrong action, as opposed to meta-ethics, which explores the metaphysics of moral facts and the meaning of moral language.

Without a moral premise in a moral argument, you cannot draw a conclusion. A typical moral argument has a conclusion that is morally relevant to its premises, at least one of which claims a general moral principle.

In a moral argument, a moral assumption is frequently implied. Treating moral arguments as deductive is the most effective strategy for locating the implicit premises. Then, it is your responsibility to offer tenable premises that will support the argument.

What are examples of moral arguments? 

“A citizen’s life shouldn’t be taken from them as a kind of punishment by the State for a crime.” This assertion or argument is that the death penalty cannot be morally justified.

Let’s examine some more instances of moral arguments: 

  • “You shouldn’t bear false witness because you dislike a person or for personal gains.” 
  • “Abortion is no different from committing murder.”
  • “It is cruel to keep animals you cannot give a comfortable home.” 
  • “You shouldn’t harm others just because someone abused you.”

Benefits of moral arguments

In particular, a moral argument considers what is good or evil, right or wrong, again with varying degrees of (ethical) conviction. It gives you guidelines for selecting what to do, how to act, and how to interact as opposed to what to avoid doing, how not to act, and how to engage.

The benefits of a moral argument include preventing actions that you would consider immoral. Among the benefits are;

  • Reduction in child abuse or domestic violence
  • Lesser thefts or break-ins
  • No genocide
  • Less dysfunctional families
  • No pedophilia, child pornography, or rape
  • No forced labor
  • Reduction in prostitution
  • Less intolerance for those who are different from you
  • Avoiding drug abuse
  • No road rage
  • It creates a safer community
  • Lesser divorce rates

How to make a moral argument

Avoid using cost-benefit analyses to support your claims if you want to come across as morally committed. Instead, center your arguments on rights and obligations. 

Alternatively, if you want to downplay the moral justification for your position, you can still take a strong stance as long as you emphasize that your opinion is founded on damage and benefit implications.

Finally, understand that taking a moral stand requires commitment. Avoid adopting a moral position only to appeal to the values of your audience. It may become difficult if you need to alter your stance in the future as you might be obligated to stick with your position. 

If you truly believe that something is moral, your audience will respect the genuine revelation that comes with taking a moral stand.

What is the importance of moral arguments?

Moral arguments are crucial and compelling. They are intriguing since determining their soundness necessitates consideration of almost every significant philosophical question covered in metaethics. 

Moral arguments are also significant because they are frequently used in apologetic defenses of religion. Many common people believe that religion in some way offers a foundation or framework for morality. 

This fact could give the appearance that moral justifications for religious belief are stronger than those against them. The moral argument concerning the existence of God is a typical example.

Many individuals believe that the apparent link between morality and religion supports the idea that moral principles need a religious foundation. 

These individuals also support the notion that morality can be better explained by God’s existence or by some of God’s characteristics or deeds.


What are the strengths of a moral argument? 

Everybody has a moral sense from birth. Even isolated cultures with little interaction with the outside world maintain a sense of morality. You can be taught morals through experience and upbringing.

What are the weaknesses of a moral argument? 

There is also no universal sense of morality because certain people (like murderers or rapists) lack moral sensibility.

How can a moral argument go wrong?

First off, a premise or several arguments could be untrue.

Only if you accept the premises of an argument will you have a reason to accept its conclusion. Second, the conclusion might not be supported by the premises. Even if the premises were correct, the argument’s structure might not be strong. 


Perhaps one of the most important tenets in philosophy is to not only be able to reason but also to be able to argue your moral perspective with others. Your reasoning is a very personal art, and learning how best to reason with others can be a difficult thing. 

However, if you master the art of moral argumentation, it can be used in your daily life with those that you share commonality with.

Some examples of a moral argument may remind you that we all inhabit the same world and that your decisions have broader implications for everyone around you. 

Finally, morality is based on your sense of right and wrong, while ethics are more tangible as they deal with things like values and beliefs. Understanding the difference between principles and values can also help maintain high moral standards and reduce moral depravity.

Here’s all you need to know about the difference between principles and values as well as their importance. 

I hope you found this article helpful. Thanks for reading.