Wondering what the difference is between bias and prejudice? While both terms are often used interchangeably, they possess slightly different meanings.
This article explores the differences between bias and prejudice, their types, and the disadvantages associated with them.
What is bias?
Bias refers to the act of unfairly defending or opposing a particular person or object by allowing personal ideas to distort your judgment.
You can also classify it as the inability to be objective or an inclination to favor one thing or person over another.
When you unfairly support or oppose a certain person or subject due to allowing your personal ideas to cloud your judgment, you are acting with bias.
What does it mean to be biased?
Biased behavior entails having a stronger preference for or dislikes for a person or object over another, which results in an unfair treatment of that person or thing.
An individual who is biased will act unfairly because they favor one group of individuals over another.
For example, you are a manager at a company and have been asked by the executive to assign a profitable task with benefits to any lower staff of your choosing. One of the lower staff, John, has experience in the past completing similar tasks with a high success rate.
However, because you’ve had an argument with John in the past or for some reason do not like him, you give the task to Tom who has no experience, simply because you like him.
What is prejudice?
An impression or attitude about someone that is solely based on that person being a member of a specific group is known as prejudice. It can also be referred to as an opinion, notion, or belief about something that is biased.

When you make decisions or draw conclusions about something before fully understanding it, you are acting with prejudice.
Additionally, it is an irrational disdain and mistrust of those who are dissimilar to you in some way, particularly because of their sexual orientation, race, gender, religion, or other characteristics.
Prejudice particularly when created without sufficient thought or knowledge, is an unfair and unreasonable judgment or feeling.
What does it mean to be prejudiced?
Prejudice typically refers to preconceived notions about particular ethnic or cultural groups. Positive and negative prejudices both tend to be ingrained beliefs that are challenging to change.
Even if it’s possible to harbor prejudiced attitudes without acting on them, the negative form of prejudice can result in discrimination.
By denying access to people they feel do not deserve it, persons who engage in prejudice do so in an effort to preserve these possibilities or opportunities for themselves.
Are prejudice and bias the same thing?
No, although similar to each other, bias and prejudice are not the same thing.
A bias can be positive or negative: bias for or against a concept. Prejudice generally means a negative opinion and implies a prepared judgment that is even more unreasonable than bias.
This is mostly against a person or group of people based on their cultural or ethnic background or their religion/sexual orientation.
While bias and prejudice can sometimes be used interchangeably, bias refers to an unfair and unjustified distortion of reasoning in favor of or against an individual or thing.
What are the types of prejudice?
Types of prejudice include prejudice against race, sexism, religion, gender identity, etc. Listed below is a list of the common types of prejudice;
- Nationalism
- Sexual discrimination
- Homophobia
- Linguistic discrimination
- Gender Identity
- Sexism
- Xenophobia
- Neurological discrimination
- Classism
- Racism
- Religious discrimination
- Ageism
What are the types of bias?
Types of biases include anchoring bias, cognitive bias, confirmation bias, attribution bias, self-serving bias, status-quo bias, horn and halo effect bias, and framing bias.
Other forms of biases include:
- Lobbying
- Prejudice
- Bribery
- Shilling
- Observer-expectancy effects
- Social desirability bias
- Selection bias
- Forecast bias
What are the differences between bias and prejudice?
Injustice and discrimination are two outcomes of bias and prejudice.
The key distinction between bias and prejudice is that the former refers to a tendency for or against a person, idea, or thing, especially in a way that is thought to be unfair, whereas the latter is a preconceived view that is not supported by experience or logic.
While prejudice primarily consists of holding unfavorable attitudes about another party, bias can be either positive or negative.
Prejudice frequently leads to discrimination while bias produces unfairness.
What are the disadvantages of prejudice?
Bullying and other kinds of discrimination are frequently brought on by prejudice. These foster a climate of constant fear, fear of the present, and worry about what the future may bring.
In extreme circumstances, this may motivate someone to commit suicide or acts of violence against a group.
What are the disadvantages of bias?
Truth is distorted by bias because it prevents you from seeing alternatives, perhaps ideal methods of thinking.
Bias can have an impact on our work lives as well. They may have an impact on our choices for actions and decisions, including who we recruit or promote, and how we engage with members of a certain group.
They can also affect the advice we take into account, and how we evaluate employee performance.
If a researcher chooses to let his bias affect the measurements, observations, or interpretation of the data, bias might harm the research.
Can bias be unlearned or eliminated?
Yes, bias can be eliminated through effective critical thinking and decision-making.
By first identifying your blind spots and then actively striving to reject assumptions and attitudes that influence your perspective, you can overcome implicit bias.
What are examples of prejudice?
People might, for instance, assume that all Muslims are terrorists or dangerous. Such type of discrimination is based on religion.
Prejudice against people may be based on their gender, nationality, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, age, caste, or race, to name a few typical instances.
What are examples of bias?
Sports fans frequently will always proclaim their favorite club to be the finest regardless of their numerous screwups or losses.
While prejudice is mostly a negative perception of someone or a group, bias can either be positive or negative and typically means your preference for something or someone. This can range from your choice of food or clothing, to whom you’d prefer to work with.
Additionally, prejudice or bias when directed negatively can lead to violence or discrimination, especially in the workplace. This might affect productivity and result in the work environment being toxic.
Engaging in diversity training, especially in the workplace can help curb the effect of bias or discrimination and build teamwork. Here’s all you need to know about diversity training in the workplace and its benefits.
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