What Is A Letterhead: Definition, Purpose & How To Make One

A letterhead is a critical piece of business stationery. It is essential to any business, and its importance will only increase in the coming years. 

Letterheads show that you’re serious about your business and can also make a big difference in how successful you are. 

But what are the purposes of letterheads? Is there a specific format you need to follow? And what should be on it? 

In this article, you’ll understand what a letterhead should include and how to create one yourself.

What is a letterhead?

A letterhead is the heading at the top of a document that contains information about the company or organization that is being represented on it. It is usually used for formal correspondence or business letters.

Many things go into a letterhead; the main component includes a name, address, logo, and occasionally a background image or pattern.

Letterheads are usually printed on letter-sized paper, but some companies use them to present all their essential documents in an attractive, professional manner. 

It says a lot about a company and can dynamically reflect the brand the company is trying to create.

What are the primary purposes of a letterhead?

1. Make an excellent first impression

Letterheads represents your company in the best possible light. It sets the stage for a positive first impression and encourages potential customers to explore products and services. 

Furthermore, it makes it easy for clients to identify a company suitable for their needs, hence, it should be designed with attention to detail. 

Letterheads should be creative and attention-grabbing, and they should reflect the personality and values of your business. 

It should be easily readable and customized to meet your organization’s needs.

2. Showcase identity

Identity is at the center of everything we do. Every aspect of a brand identity must reflect its mission, values, and goals, from your branding to your writing. 

No company identity is complete without a letterhead, so companies emphasize it. By design, letterheads are straightforward, allowing your business to stand out from the competition. 

Use such a limited space to your advantage by selecting a design that accurately reflects your company’s image and ethos. 

3. Shows authenticity and credibility

People who know and trust your company are more likely to take action on your behalf. That’s why it’s essential to use genuine and credible letterhead. 

Your customers will be more likely to believe in your message, and they will be more likely to take the necessary steps to ensure success.

An authentic and credible letterhead says you care about your customers and business. 

It shows that you’re taking your responsibility seriously and that you’re willing to invest in the trust of your customers.

4. Serves as a marketing strategy

One of the primary purposes of letterheads is to serve as a marketing strategy. High-quality, professional letterheads can help businesses stand out from the competition and create a more unified image. 

It can also serve as a platform to promote your products and services and be used to build relationships with influential people. 

Letterheads are more than just a piece of paper; they are the foundation for building stronger relationships and achieving greater success.

5. Prepare legal documents for a law firm

A corporate letterhead is one of the most important and essential tools in a law firm’s toolkit. It is used to prepare legal documents, such as contracts, affidavits, and letters. 

In addition, a well-designed letterhead can help display a law firm’s prestige and legitimacy.

How do you make a suitable letterhead for your business?

Delibrating on the design of a letterhead - lmshero

1. Choose a letterhead size

The first thing you’ll want to do is decide on the size of your business letterhead. There are several sizes available, but the most common ones are 8.5″ x 11″, 10″ x 14″, and 12″ x 18″. 

This depends on your needs and how much space you have in your office or workspace.

If you’re looking for a small amount of space, an 8.5″ x 11″ may be best, while if you have a lot of room, go with a larger letterhead size.

2. Determine the purpose of the letterhead

The purpose of your letterhead should be reflected in the branding and messaging of your company. 

For example, if your company is focused on sustainability, you might choose a green or eco-friendly font for your letterhead. 

Conversely, if your company promotes financial stability, you might choose a more business-like font

The purpose of this document should also be consistent throughout all marketing materials (e.g., website, blog, social media profiles, etc.)

3. Select a letterhead template

When creating a letterhead template for your business, you must consider the type of company you are in and the industry you work in. 

If you sell products online, for example, using a template that features a Webfont will give your logo a more consistent look across all your marketing materials.

Alternatively, you may prefer a template with more detailed lettering if you work in a particularly graphic or design-focused field. 

Ultimately, finding a suitable template will help you create stylish, professional letters that match the brand and aesthetic of your business.

4. Add your company name, logo, and contact details

A letterhead is essential to create a professional image for your business. People first see it when they contact you, so make sure it’s perfect. 

Your name, logo, and contact details should be at the top of the letterhead, so readers know who they’re communicating with.  

Letters that are difficult to read or unimpressive can damage your image, so make sure to design a letterhead that will be memorable and appealing.

5. Format your document correctly 

Formatting your document correctly is essential when designing a suitable letterhead for your company. 

A poorly formatted document can make your company look unprofessional and lead to lost mail-outs and business deals. 

Additionally, by combining Bold and Italic fonts, ensure your document is easy to read. 

Remember that different fonts may look better on paper types, so try out different font styles to see which ones look the best.

6. Save the template for easy access

Creating a company letterhead can be a challenging and time-consuming task. With so many design options available, you must have a template that you can easily access and customize. 

I recommend saving your current letterhead template as a PDF file. Not only will it save you time during the design process, but it’ll also make printing and mailing your letters a breeze. 

By keeping your letterhead template handy, you’ll never have to suffer through an awkward formatting error again. 

Finally, ensure that your letterhead is updated regularly – even new content can be added to the document to show that you’re always keeping up with industry trends. 

By following these simple guidelines, you’ll be able to create letterheads that reflect your reputation and business goals.


Do companies still use letterhead?

Yes, companies and organizations still use letterhead because it’s an integral part of their brand. 

It lets people know that they are professional and trustworthy and that they are invested in their reputation.

Is a logo compulsory for all letterheads?

No, it is not compulsory to use a logo. However, I strongly recommend its use as it helps to reinforce the brand’s unique values and positioning.

Can you use company letterhead for a recommendation? 

A letterhead may be used to provide a recommendation if the company approves it.

What makes a good letterhead?

The best letterhead says a lot with a little. It perfectly represents your company and its mission while showcasing your unique brand personality

What does a letterhead contain?

A letterhead contains the following:

  • A business name
  • An address
  • Contact information: phone number, fax number, email address, website address
  • A company logo/brand logo
  • Occasionally a background or border design

Final thoughts 

A professional letterhead establishes the credibility and importance of a business. Its design should be stylish and functional and reflect the company’s image and mission. 

There are several options available to businesses, and the right one can make a big difference in how people view the business. 

The font, layout, and letterhead design can help make the company or organization more visible and respected. 

Good letterhead design sets the tone for the company’s image and can create trust among potential customers and investors.

Lastly, note that if you’re applying for a job, a recommendation letter with a letterhead may help boost your chances of getting employed. 

Thanks for reading.