Today I will tell you about the estimate of how many words the average person should speak per minute.
It probably won’t surprise you that we don’t usually think about this fact very much because we don’t pay much attention to it.
But, to improve your speaking skills, you need to know how many words you speak daily.
In this article, you will discover how many words the average person speaks per minute, factors that may influence the speech rate, and tips to develop an excellent speaking rate.
How many words does the average person speak per minute?
People believe that communicating effectively is one of your most important skills. The rate at which your brain processes and records information is related to how quickly you can communicate with others.
We can easily understand somebody else when we’re speaking slowly. But what happens when we try to talk too fast?
Suddenly everything becomes jumbled up, and it takes much longer for our brains to sort through all those new words and figure out what matters.
To put this into perspective, scientists say it takes about 120 bits per second for the brain to comprehend messages.
The average person speaks around 140 to 160 words per minute. The higher your rate of speech, the more quickly you can process information and the more quickly you can communicate with others.
Does speech rate matter?
There is some debate about whether or not the speech rate of a person matters. A slow pace can allow for more thought and discussion when communicating, according to some people.
Others feel that talking too slowly makes it difficult to understand other people, especially if they are speed-reading through your words.
Ultimately, the speech rate is not the most important, but how well you communicate with your audience and make them feel heard.
Factors that can influence how many words a person speaks per minute
1. Individual speaking rates
How many words the average person speaks per minute is closely related to the speed with which that individual can deliver his or her message.
This means that, as someone’s speaking ability improves, so too does the pace at which he or she delivers information.
There is a clear link between individual speaking rates and speaking speed. The faster an individual can speak, the more words they will be able to say in a given amount of time.
The bottom line is that everyone is better off for it when all participants speak at an agreeable pace.
2. Race or ethnicity
People of all races and ethnicities speak at different rates. But some groups average more words per minute than others.
Hispanics, for example, tend to speak faster than any other race or ethnic group in the world. In fact, their rate is almost double that of white people.
Using Spanish to translate a given phrase requires more words since Spanish is a less dense language than English.
In addition, a Spanish speaker usually links the vowel sounds together and pronounces the word as a whole.
Regardless of why it happens, though, Hispanics speaking quickly is not only normal; it often becomes part of their culture and identity.
3. Complexity of content
The more complex a speech’s content and vocabulary, the more difficult it is for a person to speak per minute. This has nothing to do with how important or exciting the subject matter might be.
For example, if a conversation is about cars, there are specific terms that everyone involved would understand, such as gears and motor oil.
As opposed to this, if someone were to talk about taxidermy at their local pub, perhaps no one would comprehend what they were saying.
There is a tendency for people to speak slower than usual in situations such as these when more complex information is being communicated over a longer time (perhaps minutes).
This is because rephrasing complex concepts into a language all party members can readily comprehend requires more effort.
4. Nervousness
When a person is nervous, they might also be unable to control their speech. This can cause them to speak faster or slower than usual, leading to mistakes and even embarrassment.
Over time, people with anxiety disorders need to learn to calm down before speaking so they don’t miscalculate or overreact during conversations.
Hence, it is often advised that such people should practice or learn journalism or public speaking to boost their confidence.
5. Gender
The gender of a person has a significant impact on the number of words that they typically speak per minute. On average, women typically speak more than men.
This difference may be partly because girls use language more often as an emotional outlet. In contrast, males are generally better at expressing themselves through action.
Tips to develop an excellent speaking rate

1. Use simple, straightforward language
Simple, straightforward language is a great way to develop an excellent speaking rate.
When you use straightforward English in your speeches and talks, everything flows much more efficiently and with better communication.
This simple technique doesn’t require any extra skill or talent – all you need are good words that mean the same thing to everyone.
By using clear sentences and no tricky grammar rules, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively and at a faster pace.
2. Speak at a comfortable pace
There’s a reason why some speakers can speak at a rate that is comfortable and easy for them. It’s because they have developed an excellent speaking rate over time.
When you’re not afraid of slow or awkward-sounding speech, it allows you to talk more freely and easily, developing better communication skills.
Simply put, use your voice well; make sure everything sounds natural rather than forced. And most importantly – don’t be afraid of slower speeds.
3. Work on your pronunciation and articulation
Articulation and pronunciation are critical components of fluency. Improving both can help to develop an excellent speaking rate, which is essential for effective communication.
By working on these areas, you will be able to produce clear speech with fewer misunderstandings.
Good enunciation makes you sound nicer and gives the impression that you know what you’re talking about – a valuable asset in any situation or profession.
Besides improving your voice when speaking or writing, it can also be helpful in interviews, public appearances, and negotiations.
4. Reduce hesitation and awkward pauses between sentences
To be an excellent speaker, you must decrease hesitation and awkward pauses between sentences.
Reducing these distractions will help improve your speaking rate and make communication more fluid.
Building momentum and articulating complex ideas become easier when fewer obstacles arise.
Your speech rate is probably excellent if you can string at least three sentences together without pausing for more than two seconds.
5. Practice timing and pacing
Timing and pacing are key factors that can help develop an excellent speaking rate. By learning to control both variables, you’ll be able to speak more clearly and quickly without strain.
Timing is about creating the right moment for your words; you won’t feel rushed or ineffective with proper timing.
Pacing is also important because it determines how long each sentence should last. A slow pace will keep listeners engaged, while a fast one may cause them to lose focus.
How many words does the average person say per day?
A person’s average daily word count is about 7000.
Is it better to speak faster or slower?
It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you go, as long as your words make sense and people understand what you are saying.
How do you calculate your average words per minute speaking rate?
Calculate your words per minute by dividing the number of words spoken by the number of minutes you spoke.
Speaking Rate (WPM) = Total words/number of minutes
Final thoughts
It is hard to estimate how many words an average person speaks per minute, as the number can depend on various factors, including gender, race, and more.
However, according to research, the average person’s speech rate is around 140–160 words per minute.
This number is interesting because it shows just how fast our conversations are moving and how much information we can share quickly.
By being aware of how many words we speak and using our speech more wisely, we can help promote healthy communication and improve productivity overall.
Having read this article, it is evident that people who want to optimize their speaking rate will have to consider many things.
To do this, they need to be able to learn fast. For more information on how to do this in record time, read the article on how to learn fast and be more productive in less time.
Thanks for reading.