See How Hard It Is to Become a Nurse

Nursing is one of the most in-demand jobs in the world, and the demand is expected to grow even more. Yet, despite the massive demand for nurses, there are still some common misconceptions about how hard it is to become a nurse. 

Becoming a nurse can be an excellent way to help yourself and others. However, becoming a nurse isn’t easy. Being a nurse is more than just learning to stick needles in people’s flesh — there are many roadblocks and hardships you must overcome.

There are a lot of ideas about being a nurse. Some think it’s easy; others think it’s tough. Hence, I have decided to examine the realities of being a nurse. You’ll also find tips to get through nursing school. Read on to learn more.

1. The Career is Physically and Emotionally Demanding

It’s hard to become a nurse. You’re only human, and one of the reasons it’s so hard is because the career is physically and emotionally demanding. You’ll be working long hours, often with multiple patients at once, in stressful situations.

It’s not just the physical demands—the job requires a lot of stamina, and your body will work hard to keep up with you all day. But it’s also emotionally demanding, and you’re dealing with people who are at their most vulnerable. 

You also have to be able to put yourself in their shoes and understand what they’re going through. And then there’s the fact that nurses have a lot of responsibility and have to make decisions daily that affect people’s lives.

It isn’t just about caring for patients; it is also about getting them set up for long-term care or just helping them feel better so they can go home sooner. And then there’s all the paperwork; you never know when something will come up and require some quick action. 

2. Ongoing Education is Needed for the Job

The job of being a nurse is hard. It’s not just about taking care of patients but also about learning how to do that well. It takes a lot of education and dedication to become a good nurse in any field, even more so when working with sick or injured people.

Nurses are continually changing and learning new skills as they work with patients and their families. They need to be able to keep up with changes in technology, medicine, and how healthcare systems work throughout their careers.

If you’re considering becoming a nurse, there are many ways to prepare yourself for this important career choice. One of these ways is by gaining more education through attending conferences and workshops. 

If you don’t have time for this, you could consider taking online courses instead. Online classes are available for many different topics, including nursing, medical procedures, and math.

3. Nursing Schools are Hard to Get Into

To become a nurse, you must start preparing yourself early. Nurses are in high demand and receive good salaries, so most people want to become nurses.

One of the reasons why it’s hard to become is because nursing schools are hard to get into. Many people have trouble getting into these programs due to their strict requirements, high cost, and lengthy application process.

Nursing schools are notoriously competitive and selective, so if you want to attend one, you’ll have to get in with a high score on an admissions test. You also need good grades, which means you’ll have to study hard throughout high school. 

However, getting into a nursing program isn’t all that different from getting into any other type of college. You just need to work and show dedication if you want anything accomplished. It takes commitment and determination for anyone who wants to succeed in anything, including becoming a nurse.

4. Be Prepared to Work More Than You are Paid for

A nurse’s job is not just a career; it’s a calling. Nurses are required to be caring, compassionate, and selfless. They must be able to laugh at themselves and take a joke, even in the face of rejection or failure.

Nurses must be willing to work long hours, weekends, and holidays.

One of the reasons it’s hard to become a nurse is that you have to be prepared to work more than you are paid for.

In some cases, nurses can be required to travel long distances on their own time at all hours of the day or night without any support from management.

The nurse may also be required to work under stressful situations, such as assisting a patient with a procedure that was not explained clearly during initial planning or dealing with multiple patients at once in different rooms.

This is just one example of what nursing professionals might face daily while working as a nurse.

5. Watching Patients Go Through Pain is Never Easy

There are many reasons why it’s hard to become a nurse, and one of the biggest is witnessing patient suffering is never easy.

You’ve probably seen some pretty tragic things in your life, but you don’t realize how much until you go into nursing.

You see something you would never expect when you start as a nurse. The worst part is that they’re usually happening right before you—and they can be so much worse than anything you’ve ever seen before.

Knowing how best to help someone so close to death can be challenging, especially if you have never been in that situation before. Nurses have to care for people who are sick and in pain. Sometimes that means doing things that make them uncomfortable or even painful.

This is one reason why empathy is so important: when you see things through someone else’s eyes, you begin to understand how they feel and what they need from you—and maybe even why they’re acting out in certain ways. 

6. You’ll Have to Spend Money Out of Pocket

Becoming a nurse is one of the most rewarding careers ever. You’ll get to help people and make a difference in their lives, which is why getting the proper training is so important. But if you’re going to do that, you’re going to have to spend money out of your pocket. 

There are many reasons why becoming a nurse can be hard: for instance, there are many training programs out there that cost $10,000 or more—and that’s just for the first year.

Plus, you’ll still have to continue paying for ongoing education classes and certifications after that first year. This tip complements the tips above that nursing needs ongoing education.

The good news is that there are ways for you to cut down on costs without sacrificing your education or career goals. 

7. Some Days Give You So Much More Than You Could Ever Imagine

Finally, some days give you so much more than you could imagine. Every day is different, and every day is an adventure. It’s not easy being a nurse. 

In addition to everything mentioned above, you will need to learn how to work with doctors who may have never dealt with someone like yourself before (or may have just been doing this type of work for years). 

And then there’s the fact that you must remember all those things even when you’re exhausted from working long hours every day. It takes dedication and commitment from both yourself and your co-workers—but when it all comes together, it makes all the difference.

So, How Hard is it to Become a Nurse?

Nursing is a gratifying career with a lot of highs and lows.

Undoubtedly, becoming a nurse takes years of training, hard work, and dedication. Nurses must overcome many challenges. Some of them include; high competition in the industry, a changing healthcare environment, and ever-changing technology. 

They are also tasked with caring for people with different illnesses or disabilities. However, despite their roles being unique and challenging, nurses have worked hard over the years to become a globally recognized profession within healthcare. 

Nurses have built trust with their patients, contributed significantly to society, and made enormous contributions to health care worldwide.

Tips for Getting Through Nursing School

Nursing school is an intense, rigorous, and often lonely experience. There are many different ways to get through nursing school, but here are some tips for making it without losing your mind.

  • Take care of yourself: This one should go without saying, but it’s still important to remember that you’re in a unique position. You have to be able to prioritize your own needs over those of your classmates, so don’t hesitate to make sure you’re getting enough sleep or eating well if you need it.
  • Stay organized: When you’re busy with school, it’s simple for your mind to slip into a haze about what you’re supposed to do or what happened yesterday. This can lead to exhaustion and confusion about why something isn’t getting done appropriately. Keeping track of everything you need and want will help keep things moving smoothly.
  • Get support: Talk with your professors about how much time they expect you to spend on certain classes—they may have hints about how much time their students spend on assignments. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Finally, prepare yourself mentally by ensuring you’re ready for whatever comes at you in the classroom. Set goals for yourself—and don’t forget them. Keep track of your grades to determine what areas need improvement next time.

What is the Job Outlook for Nurses?

One of the essential jobs in the world is that of a nurse. Nurses help people who have been injured or have diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease to live healthier lives.

Nurses have a very positive job outlook due to the rising demand for healthcare services; as the population ages, more people become seniors.

According to BLS, registered nurse employment is projected to grow 9 percent from 2020 to 2030. There has been an increase in nurse openings over the past few years, and this trend is expected to continue throughout the next decade.

Nurses can earn up to $100,000 per year depending on where and how many hours they work each week. In some programs, nurses can earn bonuses if they complete certain courses, such as ethics or drug administration guidelines.


Are nurse practitioner programs challenging?

Yes, nurse practitioner programs are challenging, but not difficult. They might require more work than other degrees. However, becoming a nurse practitioner will be worth the effort and time.

What’s the best way to find nursing jobs?

The best way to find nursing jobs is by attending local healthcare fairs, social media, or by contacting your local hospital.

Is nursing school worth it?

Nursing school is worth it, and nursing is one of the most challenging and rewarding careers you can pursue. If you love helping people and want to work with them while making a difference in their lives and health, then becoming a nurse is for you.

Final Thoughts  

I’ve heard many people say, “Oh, it’s so easy to become a nurse.” But the truth is, becoming a nurse is one of the most demanding jobs you’ll ever have.

That’s why I decided to write this article: because it’s important to know how hard it is so you don’t waste your money on a career that doesn’t suit your personality or skillset.

Becoming a nurse is a huge commitment—it’s not like any other job where you can just walk out the door for one reason. Becoming a nurse is about giving up everything else to get paid well and ensure people get the care they need when they need it. 

You must dedicate yourself completely to ensuring your patients are safe, healthy, and happy while they’re with you. That’s why it takes so much time and effort on your part.

There are no shortcuts here; if you want to become a nurse, you must put in the work ethic and dedication required of professionals in any field.

If you have a health science degree, find out about your career prospects

Thanks for reading.