Biased Statement: Definition, Examples & Disadvantages

A biased statement can range from making preferential remarks about a subject or a specific topic to showing complete disdain for that subject. Making biased remarks is a habit many of us are guilty of.

This article sheds more light on a biased statement, how to prevent making biased statements, and how to identify bias in all aspects of life.

What is a biased statement?

This is any claim or statement influenced by personal preferences or interests. Bias is the unjust tendency to think that some individuals, ideas, etc. are superior to others.

It can be present in both your thoughts and actions. Biased people are incapable of making statements objectively and tend to choose sides. 

Biased Statement - LMS Hero

These statements tend to make assertions without factual evidence that they are completely accurate. Biased statements tend to generalize and can sometimes be considered stereotypes. 

For example, all Asians are great at math, and all African-American males are athletic. Hence, you can classify bias as an assertion not backed by evidence.

What is a negatively biased statement?

Negative bias is your inclination to concentrate on negative experiences and always dwell on them

This negativity bias refers to humans being more sensitive to the pain of criticism than to the pleasure of admiration.

This is why people sometimes forget all the good someone once did for them the moment the person annoys or offends them. 

For example, you go on an exotic trip and experience numerous beautiful scenery. However, during your fun time, a bear nearly mauled you. 

The fact that you were in a life-death situation will most likely make you forget all the fun and beautiful scenery you experienced and enjoyed.

Examples of a biased statement

  1. If Jessica is the daughter of the person who asserts, “Jessica is the best person for the position,” then it is biased. This opinion might or might not be accurate, and it has to be supported by additional information from neutral sources other than the viewpoint of someone with a personal interest.
  2. Someone who dislikes the flavor of one or more of the ingredients on the burger makes the biased comment, “These burgers are awful.” This is not an unbiased statement based on neutral evidence but rather a personal view due to hatred for the ingredients.

Other examples of biased statements include;

  • People who believe in religion are delusional
  • Muslims are terrorists
  • Asian women are bad drivers
  • Beautiful people are not intelligent
  • Black people are athletic or good in bed 

What makes a statement biased?

The source may be biased if you observe the following:   

  • Presents well-chosen or curated information that leans toward a specific one-sided decision.
  • It focuses on assertions that are unproven or unfounded. 
  • Unbalanced or having strong opinions that are one-sided.

A biased statement also uses hurtful, offensive, excluding, and discriminatory words. 

This statement causes certain individuals or groups to feel deceived, rejected, or misunderstood.

How do you avoid making biased statements? 

It would be best to write objectively and actively work to remove your prejudices to prevent them from appearing in your statements. 

Here are a few tips for minimizing bias in your writing.

1. Be careful not to generalize

All or none (or always or never) claims should not be stated in or implied by your writing.

For example, all Christians in the USA support the anti-abortion law and want abortion practices stopped.

This statement suggests that all people in the United States do not support abortion, which is untrue.

Instead, you should state that some Christians consider abortion ungodly and have voted several times to have anti-abortion laws passed. 

This statement acknowledges that not all Christians support the anti-abortion laws, but many support and vote for them.

2. Provide evidence

Provide resources and research to back up your assertions. It is not a good idea to rely on your beliefs or experiences. When making statements that concern certain demography, never generalize such statements. 

For example, all immigrants in the UK have, at some point, been victims of racism. Instead, back up your claims with figures and an unbiased study or special report that verifies your claims. 

For example, according to the 2018 special report on Racism and Discrimination in the UK by the X Institute of Research, at least 30.8% of immigrants have been victims of racism and discrimination. 

This statement provides evidence using well-funded research to support your claims and is not merely conjecture. 

3. Be objective

Both negative and positive biases exist. Instead of being critical or appreciative of a certain issue or entity, try to write in a balanced manner.

For example, online learning is better than traditional learning because it offers more flexibility and saves costs. This argument leans to the side of online learning alone, resulting in bias. 

Instead, try being objective by stating the advantages both modes of learning have over each other and their disadvantages, then let the recipient decide on the better option. 

For example, while online learning has some obvious advantages over traditional classes, like being inexpensive, flexible, and easily accessible, traditional learning also offers great advantages. 

This version balances your statement and would make the recipient of your argument curious about the advantages traditional learning also offers. 

Disadvantages of biased statements 

Bias can lead to unbalanced findings and incorrect interpretations. Such utterances may result in unwarranted discrimination, legal disputes, or even cause harm to the community at large.

Bias is a distortion that prevents the data from accurately reflecting the situation you researched. By properly structuring the data collection procedure, biased sources can be avoided.


What does it mean to be biased?

This entails displaying an excessive liking or hatred for a person, idea, or thing based only on personal beliefs

How do you identify a biased person? 

A biased person will primarily rely on unverified information and be heavily opinionated and one-sided in their arguments.

They also tend to select ‘facts’ supporting their claims while disregarding important information that counters them.

How do you correct bias?

First, identify that the source is making a one-sided statement, and search for accurate data that properly represents that statement.

You can also establish rules for eliminating bias, show how you source data, and ensure they are free from bias.


Making a biased statement to support a personal or one-sided standpoint often leads to misinformation and can cause harm to society at large.

Such statements, in addition to inciting violence, can cause segregation and discrimination. People often make biased statements when it profits from them in one form or another.

This could be through smear campaigns during the election periods to try and discredit opponents and gain the support of citizens. 

Biased sentiments also exist in workplaces due to the diverse views about the various groups you find in the office environments.

Such sentiments can be based on a person’s race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. 

Hence, it is important that employees and employers alike undergo diversity training to prevent biased judgments or making biased remarks. Here is all you need to know about diversity training in the workplace and its benefits

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