Best Ways to End a Letter [With Examples]

Whenever you are writing a letter, it is always important to end it professionally, as this can leave a positive impression on the person reading it and give them vital information about what to do next. But do you know the best ways to end a letter?

Typically, it seems like the easiest part of a letter should be ending, isn’t it? Since the content has already been written. However, this is not the case for some people as they might be unclear about the best phrases to use.

Ending a letter is just as important as starting it because every phrase has subtle meanings and can change how the addressed reacts to your letter.

In this article, I will explain why letter endings are very important, tips on how to end a letter appropriately, and some examples.

Read on to learn more.

Why are letter endings important?

It is important to end a letter clearly and professionally because it is the last thing the reader will see as it sets the tone for future communications. This informs your reader what to do next.

However, depending on how you choose to end your letter, it can include vital information such as your first and last name, job title, phone number, company, etc.

Typically, every concluding paragraph of a letter should end with a sign-off and your signature.

Tips on how to end your letter

A proper letter ending is polite, professional, and concise. You should end your letter by considering the following tips:

1. The next step you want the reader to take

You must always provide the next steps, directions, or follow-up information at the end of a letter. Think about the best possible result of your letter in terms of the reader’s response. Those should be the conclusion of your letter.

Even if you have explained everything in the body of your letter, it will be useful to briefly summarize the key points at the end.

Example: “To summarize, please follow up with the finance team at your earliest convenience to review our new budget and begin planning for the next quarter.”

2. How do you intend for your reader to feel

You can also consider ending your letter by taking some time to think about how you want the reader to feel after reading your letter.

For instance, you can use terms like “immediately” or “as swiftly as possible” in your conclusion, if you want the reader to feel a sense of urgency. However, you can conclude your letter like this if you want them to feel calm and appreciated:

Example: Thank you for taking the time to read this letter; I know this is a lot of information. However, if you have questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

3. What information the reader needs to know

As you end your letter, you must include relevant contact information, dates, and any proper instruction the reader needs to know.

You could provide some of this information in your ending paragraph or signature if they require your email address, phone number, or job title.


Kind regards,

John Alvarez
Digital Markerter, Panachora

Examples of ways to end a letter

best ways to end a letter - lmshero

To choose the appropriate end to a letter, you should consider the person you are writing the letter to and choose an appropriate close based on your relationship with them.

If you are writing to a client or a colleague, for instance, you should choose a professional concluding phrase such as Sincerely, Thank you, etc.

The following are the most common and recommended ways to end a letter and are applicable on both official and informal occasions:

1. Sincerely

This sign-off is always appropriate, especially after a formal business letter or email. It shows your sincerity in hoping that the message is well-received.

2. Kind regards

This sign-off is a little friendlier while still keeping it professional. It gives the impression to the reader that you are wishing them well. This phrase is appropriate for check-ins, updates, or follow-up emails or letters.

3. Thank you for your time

This is another popular and recommended closing because it shows gratitude for reading your letter.

It is appropriate for emails or letters in which you are requesting a favor or wanting to be considered for something, such as a letter of interest or a cover letter.

4. I hope to speak with you soon

This is a good concluding phrase to use when you want the reader to respond. It is suitable for all settings and prompts more conversation.

5. With appreciation

This sign-off can be used to express gratitude for reviewing your letter. I will recommend using it for only cover letters and letters of interest.

Common professional letter endings include: Thank you, Regards, Respectfully, Cordially, With gratitude, Best regards, In sympathy, etc.

Casual letter endings include: Best, Good luck, All the best, Thanks, Talk soon, Warmly, Have a good day/evening/weekend, Thanks a lot, etc.

Tips on how to format a letter ending

best ways to end a letter - lmshero

After your closing remark, put a comma, 2–4 lines of space, and your signature.

Your signature should include your first and last name and a few other details depending on the needs of the reader.

Include your email address, job title, company name, phone number, work address, company logo, or a short quote that shows who you are or what you do in your signature.

The following are two signature samples for your reference:

1. Handwritten letter

Best regards,
[Written signature]
[Your full name]
[Email address]
[Contact number]

2. An electronic letter or email

Thank you,
[Your full name]
[Email address]
[Your company website]
[Your company logo]


What are the qualities of a good letter?

A good letter must be courteous, concise, simple, accurate, coherent, and relevant.

What is the purpose of letter writing?

The purpose of a letter is to facilitate communication and share information, news, and greetings between two individuals.

What are the different letter-writing styles?

The most common letter-writing styles are formal letters, informal letters, and business letters.


A letter that is both well-written and concise stands a much better chance of being read and acted upon.

However, for your letter to truly stand out, you must ensure that it is devoid of errors and has a good closing remark.

Hence, you should consider the tips and examples shared in this article when next you are writing a letter, be it formal or informal.

I hope you found this article interesting. You can also read to know the purpose of letterhead and how to make one.

write a business reference letter.

Thanks for reading.